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The Chesed Committee provides services to our membership in times of need, help to the larger Jewish community to the extent our resources permit and support for chesed organizations in Israel on an annual basis.

The Shiva group arranges to have regular minyanim, a Sefer Torah and prayer books at the Shiva house, as well as helps to coordinate meals. Bikur Cholim visits are made to hospitals, rehabilitation centers and homes. Shabbat Shalom, or Chag Sameach phone calls are made to a select group of people who live alone. The chesed committee helps driving and/or finding transportation solutions for people in need to get to a hospital or to a medical doctor, as well as, helps with food or other shopping and errands.

The Youth Department chesed projects include Purim Mishloach Manot to patients in a local nursing care institution, work at the kosher food bank in South Orange, helping the elderly set up sukkahs or helping with snow removal. A medical supplies gemach is available at the synagogue including a refrigerator for hospital./nursing home use, a wheel chair, a walker, crutches, etc.

In our annual CHESED FOR ISRAEL CAMPAIGN a first-tier, highly reputable Israeli charity is selected as the recipient of our fundraising. Examples include: United Hatzalah, Meir- Panim, Ezer Mizion, Yad Eliezer and Yad-Sarah.

Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785